Flora In Kanha

In Kanha National Park, the forest is mainly mixed deciduous and Sal( Shorearobusta). Due to fertile soil and abundant rainfall, these trees are in major proportion especially around meadows and have achieved its maximum height. The most common flora of Kanha National Park is species of Bamboo – Dendrocalamusstrictus.

In the grasslands of pleataux, there are sporadic growth of beautiful fruit bearing trees like achar( Diospyros melanoxylon), tendu( Diospyros melanoxylon) and aaonla( Emblica Officinalis). The nalas of kanha are shady, moist and cool with thick population of Bamboo( Dendrocalamusstrictus), Jamun( Syzgiumcumini), tall Mango( Mangiferaindica) and Arjun( Terminalia arjuna) trees.

The upper slopes of Kanha National Park are covered with the mixed jungle of numbers of mahul( Bauhiniavahlii) climbers. These climbers crown the trees with swinging stems and foliage and spanning the space amidst the trees. In summer the top of the trees offers white look when mahul tree laden with flowers. Though kanha National Park has numbers of species of trees but Dhaura(Anogeissuslatifolia) and Bija( Pterocarpus marsupium) are remarkable amidst the forest of Kanha. In winter season, the forest on upper slopes of kanha national park offers picturesque look.

The Great grass of Kanha, Bamboo:

Do you know that Bamboo is really one of the species of grass! Here it is said that every daythe bamboo tree grows taller by many centimetres. In monsoon season amidst the different species of plant, bamboo is the fastest growing plant species. Bamboo is nutritious and present in abundance in kanha, majority of birds and animals feed on it. As soon as the monsoon breaks, you will find the carpet of bamboo seedlings in the forest of Kanha. The main habitats of Kanha National Park:

  • Sal/Bamboo: mainly occupies the area of lower slopes (5.07%)
  • Sal (occupied more than 50% of forest area). Mostly occupied the area of valleys (18.08%).
  • MixedSal/Bamboo (7.34%)
  • Mixed Sal, together with saja, Jamun and other species (13.21%)
  • Mixed Bamboo (24.8%)
  • Mixed: Upper plateau areas (16.05%)
  • Valley Grasslands (6.4%)
  • For human Habitation and Agriculture (3.5%)
  • Dadar (plateau) grasslands (2.61%)
  • Grasslands with mixed forest tree species (2.88%)

More than 50% of the area of Kanha National Park is occupied by dry deciduous woodland especially slopes and hilltop areas are covered with the species like Anogeissuslatifolia, Acacia torta, Bauhinia retusa, Butea monosperma, Buchananialanzan, Semecarpusanacardium, Boswallia serrata, Largerstroemiaparviflora, Tichebyla, Terminalia arjuna, T. bellirica, Mallotusphilippensis and Emblicaoffficinalis.

Some ecodevelopment process are organized regularly for the preservations of the floras of Kanha National Park. These are organized especially for the buffer zone under the project of MP Forestry. Fauna of Kanha National Park is very attractive and offers new experience to the visitors exploring the dense jungle of Kanha.

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